Saturday, November 04, 2006

Way to go, Dubya.

A brief follow up to Wil's post about the Iraq WMD Website Disaster, brought to you by DarkSyde, over at Kos.

Now I realize that an alleged scandal involving a gay hooker, a Right-wing evangelical leader, and crystal meth is enough to make the Rita Cosby's of the broadcast news world tremble with excitement. But I thought a story about how our illustrious War President and Defender against Terrorism over rode his own weapons security experts at the behest of the Rubber-stamp Republican Congress and posted highly classified, detailed technical tips for making a fission bomb on the Internet might be worth a mention.

Here's a summary of some of what is being reported:

  • In the aftermath of the Iraq invasion, facing the embarrassment of no WMDs found, the White House found themselves in possesion of thousands of pages of Iraqi documents pertaining to obsolete WMD programs from before the first Gulf War
  • To provide fodder for out of context quoting and neocon fear monergering, to save time and money on translating, and to retain a few votes, the Republican Congress with the cooperation of President Bush wanted to post the raw docs on the Internet and invite right-wing bloggers and web surfers to pitch in and read through it all to find any quotable gems.
  • John Negroponte, bless his black little heart, had enough brains to oppose this incredibly asinine idea knowing full well that the data had not been read and vetted.
  • Apparently, Bush the Decider, a guy who wouldn't know a neutron from a noble gas, reportedly decided to over ride expert advice and do it anyway.
  • Buried in the stacks of dull inventories and mundane trivial minutia were the plans for how to fabricate and assemble the critical components of a working fission bomb.

On top of everything else some of it was published in Arabic and available for several months, thus giving the bad guys plenty of time and saving Al Qaeda the bother of having to translate it. I can only imagine that Islamic terrorists and sympathizers the world over fell off their camels peeing in hysterical laughter. Which would make a convenient segue for bowing to Mecca and praising Allah for answering their prayers with George Nukular Bozo Bush backed up by the Republican Big Shoe Atomic Clowns. Speaking of the latter, I can't wait to watch the warm-up GOP Solid Gold Pundit Dancers uniformly step-ball-chain from the Mushroom Cloud Stomp-n-Fear number right into the "accidentally posting the plans for a nuke in Arabic on the Web is no big deal" Tap Dance & Election Finale without missing a beat.

"I hear the voices... but I'm the decider."

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