Monday, November 27, 2006

Patriotboy on Mitt

I absolutely love (in purely Christian, heterosexual way) Gen. JC Christian, Patriot

This, Mitt believes... (Volume 1)

The kerfuffle over Andrew Sullivan's post on Mitt Romney's magical underwear inspired me to do a weekly series of posts on Mitt's Mormon beliefs. As the great great grandson of a Mormon prophet, Willford Woodruff, a holder of the Aaronic Priesthood, and an LDS Seminary Bowl champion, I think I'm more than qualified to do so.

We'll start out with Kolob. It's the star nearest to the planet where God lives. It's important to remember that. We Mormons get very angry when gentiles say we believe God lives on Kolob. It makes us sound crazy. God couldn't live on Kolob. He isn't a sun person; he'd burn his feet.

Go read the rest here. Make sure you check out his commentary on sacred underwear, as well as Sullivan's original post.


Waiting for Cicero said...

Thank you very much for commenting, and for the links.

I'm not obsessed with underwear, I just think that being a devotee of ANY religion should automatically preclude holding high office. I think of religion as, at best, a mental illness.

akaMAT said...

Hey WFC,

Here is something you might like.

I gave you the direct link. Since my blog makes your computer sick! : ]

Hope you enjoy