Monday, November 13, 2006


Has anyone considered the make up of the incoming Senate yet?

Sanders and Feingold, backed up by people like Leahy and Kerry  .

I grew up under Reagan and Bush 41.  As far back as I can remember, the Repubs controlled nearly everything.  The Gingrich Revolution is the first clear moment I have of congressional politics.

And I'm coming to the realization that things have changed in a fundamental way, one which I have no basis for comparison.

Above and beyond fixing Junior's fuck-ups, there's a pretty good chance that some progressive ideas will finally get a fair shot.  Health care.  Living wage.  Proper oversight and regulation of corporate America.  I really can't even fathom it.

Instead of debating whether waterboarding is torture, or if habeas corpus is outdated, maybe we can look at things like climate change and fair trade.

I'm daring to hope for the first time I can remember.  And it feels good.

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