Thursday, April 12, 2007


I called Sam's show today, and let fly with a rant. Fun stuff. May have even started a meme. I hope so. This Lionel crap is a fucking insult.

Anyway, life is starting to approach some sort of normalcy. 'bout time. House is in order, work's just about caught up. Oughta be able to catch a few real days off in the next few weeks. Sweet.

May is looking up. Some good shows to see, a possible rafting trip. Have to apply for my passport pretty quick, I think Cathy and I are gonna try to make it to Japan in July or August. No details yet, but I'll bet we'd have a blast. Not sure if I'll do Europe this year or next, but I'd like to make it in November or December, even if it's only a short trip.

So what else...?

I cut my hair off about two weeks ago. Hadn't so much as trimmed it in two and a half years, and now I've got about 3/4 of an inch of fuzz. Different. Was time to quit mourning, though. Get busy living or get busy dying, all that rot. I feel more upbeat, I guess, but I miss being able to wear pigtails.

I think that's all I've got for now.

Many blessings.


c_legs said...

I miss your pigtails, too, but I really like your hair short.

Waiting for Cicero said...

Yay! This is Toshi's Mom, right?

Thanks for stopping by!