Friday, April 27, 2007

Whadaya gonna do?

Eh, having a lot of fun lately, but nothing comes without conflict, I guess.  Maybe I just need to get out a bit more.  Good times and good people can be hard to come by.  Wish it wasn't so.  The friends and neighbors wrinkle isn't helping, either.

Oh, well.

Don't worry, there's a good chance most of the above won't mean much the next time I bother reading it.  Just bitching.  Circumstances (unfortunately) don't exist in a vacuum, and that's that.

Hope anyone reading had a good night, too.  Mine was a blast, as is par for course over the last week and a half or so.



Cat Chew said...

Hiya, WfC! Hit and run. Just making sure all my friends who live in my computer haven't escaped yet. Enjoy yourself!

Cat Chew said...

Hey! There's a link to my (soon to be horribly neglected) blog here! Awwww... Thank you! Nice to have someone drop by. It isn't a secret blog but I didn't link to it (at least I don't think I did, poor memory sometimes) and I was wondering if anyone would click the profile and find it. So far, I can count visitors on the fingers of one hand.

Busy here too. We had a warm spell, followed by a hard freeze, and now it's wonderful weather and I'm puttering in what I jokingly call a garden. I don't care that it's not a beauty, it's just good to have a patch of dirt and be able to do things and see tangible results. Hand weeding on a warm day is a pleasure. More so with a brew close by. Cheers!

Waiting for Cicero said...

I'll cross post this;

Yeah, a fellow neglected blog deserves a link. I don't get a lot of visitors, either, but with what I post, that's sort of expected.

: ) I'm enjoying a warm snap as well, it's about 75-80 here, mowed the lawn, gonna weed around my roses. No garden this year, though. I'll did get to help MAT and Husbot with their raised beds. I'm particularly looking forward to the berries and squash.

Busy, busy, busy. I suppose there are worse things in life. I have had too many good people and good things to juggle lately, with work to boot. Oh, well. Having an over abundance of goodness is a problem you want to have, I guess.

Many blessings to you and yours, Mme. Chew!

Cat Chew said...

Because you liked the Rove frog march
(even if you've seen it before,
this is worth a second peep):
Think happy thoughts!