Monday, August 14, 2006

Of Bikes and Books


I've been riding the old Schwinn around the bike trails on Clinton Street. It's been years since I rode a bike last. It's really the only kind of exercise I enjoy enough to do regularly. And since Nate and Katie are back this week, I'll probably get in a few rides with them. I have to get a mountain bike. Trying to keep up while riding a heavy, single speed cruiser is not fun. Hills are fucking miserable.

Picked up Watership Down tonight while visiting Kevin and Ericka. Great book. I think I've only read it once since high school, so this'll be a treat. I started it at midnight, and I'm 97 pages in. Also picked up a Tom Robbins novel that Kevin recommended. Another Roadside Attraction is the title. So far, I've never been disappointed with his choice in literature. Tom Robbins will, however, have to wait until I finish reading about Fiver and Hazel.


Did I mention that I just finished The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy? How in the hell did I miss this book? I've never even picked up a Douglas Adams novel, but it's had the same effect on me as On A Pale Horse (Piers Anthony is a god). I have to get my hands on everything this guy wrote, and read it quick. akaHusbot was kind enough to loan me the original BBC six part mini-series, along with the book. Am planning on taking that over to enjoy with Kevin and Ericka.

I was gonna bitch about a few things, but this post just seems so nice and upbeat, I'm gonna leave it alone.

Many blessings!


Emerson Crossjostle said...

That was positive. Many blessings.

Waiting for Cicero said...

And many more to you, Sir Real.

I'm gonna have to start taking this blog a little more seriously if people are actually gonna read it!

Hope all is well in your neck of the woods!