Sunday, September 23, 2007

Ladybugs & Crickets

I can't tell you how happy I am. So many blessings to you two. And many thanks for allowing me to be part of such a special day.

The ceremony was beautiful. Weather was supposed to be spotty, but it was absolutely perfect. I think your vows are the most loving words I've ever heard spoken. And, though I'm a bit biased, I thought the wedding party looked pretty damn good. Can't wait to see the pictures and video.

The reception was a piece of work, too. I can't remember the last time so many of us were together. Did you notice how happy everyone was? Meeting some new people was great. I can't wait to go see your dad's shop, and I'm really hoping that your brother and I continue to cross paths, T. You have a great family.

I'll post some pics as soon as I can, but for now, just a couple of dedications.

Here Comes My Girl, Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers

Here Comes Your Man, The Pixies

I love you both so much.

p.s. I'm back.

Back In Black, AC/DC


Alice said...

Peaches, folks.
Submitted by Waiting for Cicero on Thu, 10/11/2007 - 12:00am.


Peaches, Cicero..

Sooo..I should come here if I want to taste your tunes? :) I need more tuneage man...I can't find it all all by myself...and everyone's youtubing my brains out..! What happened to the old .mp3, maaaan? Is it too much to ask to visualize while listening to music for these kids or what?!



Cat Chew said...

If you ban ono,
I'll quit blogging here.
Oh, wait...

Laughed so heartily and for so long that I scared the bejeebus out of my cats! :D
Always a pleasure to see you, WfC.
Until next time, be well and enjoy!

Cat Chew said...

Nuts! I've come here intending to leave a message several times this week but keep getting interrupted. The worst one was my ISP becoming slower than dial-up for two days.

Anyway, disgusted with whoever the flaming asshole is who's crapping on SEDER's blog. I'm mostly sympathetic to anonymous commenters but it doesn't work well unless you have a bit more oversight. Entertaining folks whose main reason for using the blog is to screw with people seems to impair the undefined functionality* of the blog as much as video embeds and flooding and does more to chase away newbies than clannishness, pissyness and tiffs among the regulars. I do have sympathy for folks who are so neurotic that the only fun they have is that manner of creepy acting out, but I wouldn't entertain them until they sought help for their problems.

I hope to continue to read you here and there in the tubes. It's always a pleasure! I'll probably return to SEDER's place as long as I can (at least) read toniD and Crank Bait, but the blog seems less and less worthwhile these days. I hope SEDER bans the disturbed fool(s) and that you'll return. It's so handy to have most of my imaginary friends that live in my PC in one place ;)

Take care, have fun, and stay warm.

*SEDER hasn't clarified what he thinks is the purpose of blog, that I know. The shit-flinging is so idiotic that it doesn't serve to do anything but make other idiotic shit-flingers cackle and clutch themselves with excitement, and perhaps keep them off the streets.